General Guidelines: 

TL Publishing Group accepts the following submissions all year round: poetry, fiction, editorial articles, and cover art. Please read a previous issue of the Torrid Literature Journal before sending in your work. This will familiarize you with the material we generally publish. All previous issues of the journal can be downloaded for free in Adobe .pdf format.

All work must be original and previously unpublished. This means your work has not appeared anywhere, in print or on the web (i.e. social networking sites, blogs, etc.). We do not publish erotica.

Please include a brief bio (written in the third person) with your submission. Also, please let us know how you heard about the Torrid Literature Journal. This information is not required but is very useful.

No English 
translations, please. We will accept simultaneous submissions, however, if your work is accepted elsewhere, please let us know as soon as possible.

All submissions must be submitted through our submission manager:

Our response time to submissions will vary 
depending on the volume of entries received. However, if you do not hear from us within 10 weeks, please feel free to send a query by email to

TL Publishing Group acquires one-time electronic and print publication rights. All rights revert to the author upon publication. Writers may publish their work again after it has appeared in our publication. Payment includes one print copy of the journal.

If your submission is accepted, we will send you an acceptance letter requesting agreement to our standard terms. Failure to timely respond may delay the publishing of your work.

Please note that we do not charge a reading fee but donations are humbly welcome.

Submitting your work to TL Publishing Group constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined herein and on Submittable.

Torrid Literature Journal - Poetry

Please send up to 5 unpublished poems per submission. TL Publishing Group is looking for thought-provoking poetry that substantially burns mental, emotional, and societal barriers. Poems should pull the reader into the writer’s work of art. We will consider various types of poetry, including traditional, free verse, and experimental poetry.

Torrid Literature Journal - Fiction

We're looking for stories with gripping content that catches the reader’s eye. We want the readers to be held captive to the writer’s imagination. We're open to considering various genres and themes. 

Torrid Literature Journal - Editorial

TL Publishing Group will consider articles for publishing in the Torrid Literature Journal. The recommended length is 2,000 words or less but submissions of any length will be considered.

Articles may be informative, opinionated, or inspirational. We will consider various topics including poetry, fiction, general literature, publishing, editing, current trends in the literary industry, etc., but in any event, the article must provide material useful to the reader in his/her own practice of literature. For informative based articles, the writer should have preferable experience in the field he/she is writing about. Also, if you quote or cite various sources in your article, please make sure you acquire permission and include it with your submission.

Interviews and book reviews are also welcome. However, please contact our editors for specific submission guidelines and instructions.

Articles should be original and unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are allowed but please notify us immediately if your article is accepted elsewhere.

Please be sure to include a brief bio (written in the 
third person) and publishing credits, if any.

Given the volume of submissions received, please allow 10 weeks to pass before sending us a query regarding the status of your article.

If your article is accepted, we will send you an acceptance letter requesting agreement to our standard terms. Failure to timely respond may delay the publishing of your article. Writers will receive one print copy of the journal as payment.

Torrid Literature Journal - COVER ART

General guidelines:

This is an ongoing call for artwork that has not been previously published in print or online. Paintings, illustrations, and photographs will be considered as long as they reproduce well as cover art. 

All images must be available in a high-resolution format upon request. 

Important Information:

Our cover dimensions are 8.75" by 11.5". The trim size is 8.5" by 11". Accepted artwork may be cropped and/or slightly altered to meet the print requirements for the cover.

Our covers are printed in color, full bleed. We incorporate basic information on our cover:

Volume number

Artists will be compensated with $50 and two contributor copies. The artist retains all rights to their work. We only ask for one-time use of the artwork. 

Artists can submit up to five images at a time as a PNG or JPEG. Images may be uploaded as a single file or as multiple files. Low resolutions images are acceptable for submissions as long as high-resolution images (300 dpi) can be provided upon request. 

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. 

Our average response time is three months. If you don't hear from us by this time, please send a query by email to 

Please include the following information in your cover letter: 

Brief bio
Title of artwork
Brief description of the artwork

TL Publishing Group LLC